“The Kingdom of Heaven is like…”

Jesus comments a lot on the Kingdom of Heaven. He speaks about it in parable after parable to the multitudes. And then he only takes time to unwrap the meanings with his inner circle.

I wonder if they even got it. Even when the parables are explained—like the one with the wheat and the tares—it’s not super detailed in the logistics department. More like an impression of something that’s beyond words.

Despite that, theologians still debate about what exactly what Jesus’ words meant.

Here’s one parable I’ll throw out there. Explaining the kingdom of heaven to an earthbound soul is like explaining life on earth to a fetus.

Poor little thing is going to be bewildered at the fact that they will be breathing something called “air.” And they won’t have a magical feeding tube. And they’ll be surrounded by others like them—many of whom are lacking a mother’s love.

I can only imagine that Jesus could not explain the Kingdom of Heaven to us in real detail because it would blow our minds. Folks who got a view of the on-goings in heavenly realms really sound like they are on some heavy duty substances. Just five minutes with Ezekiel and you’ll see: “Dude. Wheels inside of wheels inside of wheels? Whoa…”

(Parables be like a Christopher Nolan movie, only holier.)

So maybe Ezekiel just had eyes that would see. And ears that would hear.

I pray that the Lord give me both—along with the faith that it’ll be better than I could imagine.

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